Sonic.exe 3: Not a Tree

Yuriofwind just got done recording Bullshit Creepypasta Storytime: Sonic.exe 2. He thot it was stupid and not even a masterpiece. How dare he!!!!!! But what he didn’t no was a friend was goin’ to pay him a nice visit. Yuriofwind was acting like a asshat writing horrible script for Gaming Mysteries, a show that know one cares about and hates and poopy shite.

So, Yuri Andrew was sitting fucking way @ his  Windows PC and 2D pixel anime girls. That fucker. But he’ll learn. All in a matter of time. He heard a knock @ the door. Like the person he is, he went to open the door. He then saw the horror. SONIC.EXE!!!!! He should’ve been terrified and if he wasn’t, he would soon learn to be. He just thought it was a stupid fan game and someone tried to scare him. He shoved it in his Windows PC [should’ve bought Mac so the game would’nt work and he would’nt die] and it was just simple and scary static. He did’nt even open the file to the scary game so you no it was pretty scary. He should’ve shat his pants and if he still did’nt then Tom would do it for him.

Then the spooky nice friend came to visit.
Yuri was still trying to keep his cool but inside new he was a fraid. He tried to hide in his closet, but there was a scracth on the door. However it was just kept scrafing and scafing intil Yuri was SO scared he opened the door. It was a cat. His cat known as EXtreme Ghostkitty. He went to stroke it but reelized it was possesssed!

Tom must have done it.

“Congratualtions Yuriofwind, you’ve figureed out my evil, awesome, and ooo so devious plan. I’ve posssesed your cat, Kittie and now he’s mine! Tom Cat I name him and that’s what he’ll be considering that’ll I’m gonna kill you now. I’ve already been slowly poisioning you by dipping acid into your StarBucks hipster fuck cofee when your not looking. That’s why you always get sick and can’t make videos. Your worst night mare. MWaHahahahaah; he laughed m9niklly. He then pressed  button in his hand and unleashed a evil toxin inside of yuri. He started throwing up blood, but not just regular was acid blood!!! It went right throw his carpet.;Your gonna die Yuri, reel goooood….; Tom was truly fill with pure hate and torture. Yuri stared in fear as Tom floated with a hyperealistic blood-like aura around him. He just kept on spoowing up hyperealistic blood acid. He just kept on bleeding and bleeding. Until he fell to the ground and blacked out for a bout 24 and a half seconds. Then he slowly opened his eyes. Blurrly seeing Tom, his new cat, and right behind him…..Sonic.exe himself. He put his hand on Tom’s shoulder. Good job, have made me proud. Yuri then reelized the horrorr….Tom was the anti-christ….and Sonic.exe….was anti-god!!!! Or better yet...SATAN!!!

But then he reelized that that was’nt even the case! JC Hyena: the author of the story...was really behind it all! He created the legacy that would be Tom and Sonic.exe. He was truly the anti-god. So that means…..Tom and Sonic.exe…..were double anti-chritstes!!!! : Do’nt forget about our son too father, right on his shoulder was tiny but still seeable, was a sonic plushy on .exe’s shoulder covered in hyperrealistic red blood!

Yuri could’nt take the pain no more. His heart gave out, and slowly but surely passed away.
And that’s why he hasn’t uploaded a video in 3 weeks.
Tom: Another killer has been silenced, father. No longer one more will make you mourn, but THEY will mourn in the pits of HELL. Now, onto more [he was then referring to the Bad Creepypasta show.] Then...they will stop uploading...